EUROPE: Pressure on the European Commission to take action against illegal HFC refrigerant imports continues, with a Spanish MEP claiming the black market trade “jeopardises” the F-gas phase down.
César Luena, a member of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party, is the latest MEP to table a written question to the Commission on the illegal trade, which some groups have estimated to be equivalent to as much as 20% of the quota.
He asks whether the Commission is aware of this alleged contraband, and what action it is taking to combat it? Luena also enquires what the EC is doing and what incentives it is offering to encourage companies to use other climate-friendly substances such as HFOs?
Possibly prompted by the refrigerant manufacturers group, Luena points out that the European Fluorocarbons Technical Committee has called for a greater involvement and coordination of customs authorities in controlling these compounds, as well as for customs agents to be trained in the specified and legal import quotas.